Who is Working Holiday Visa subclass 417 for?
Working Holiday Visa subclass 417 is suitable for young people who look forward to holiday and work in Australia for up to a year.
How do I get Working Holiday Visa subclass 417?
You must meet the following requirements to be granted Working Holiday Visa subclass 417:
- Be at least 18 but less than 31 years of age
- Not have a dependent child with you at any time while staying in Australia
- Hold a valid passport from an eligible country
- Show that you have a good chance of finding temporary employment to supplement your holiday expenses
- Not have entered Australia on a Work and Holiday Visa (subclass 462)
- Have enough money to support yourself on a working holiday, and arrange for your return at the end of your visa
What is the application process?
Once you have prepared the necessary documents, you can apply for this visa online. You can consult eduaid for the finest immigration services.
What are the features and benefits of Working Holiday Visa subclass 417?
This Visa lets you:
- Stay in Australia for up to a year starting from the date of initial entry
- Work in Australia, generally for a maximum of six months with one employer
- Study in Australia for up to four months
- Enter and exit Australia any number of times while valid